Please select the event you wish to register for: Journey Men’s RetreatSons Of The Father CampMen’s Celebration NightOther If ‘Other’, please name the event you wish to register for
First Name Surname Date Mobile Phone Organization/Men’s Group Representing E‐mail Address:
Please note that DirectionsTas will be unable to process your registration without full registration details.
As DirectionsTas is Not For Profit, all event registration prices do not include GST. Photography & Video Recording may be captured during sections of event experiences, DirectionsTas reserves the right to use this material for promotional purposes.
Our Privacy Policy is available here.
Please be aware we may utilize your information to notify you of news at DirectionsTas and provide it to third parties who help us provide services to you. To request access to your information please email alternatively contact DirectionsTas by phoning us.
Please fill out one form for each person registering and one for each event.
Event registration prices are as follows:
Journey Men’s Retreat -‐ As promoted… Swansea Retreat $80 Son’s Of The Father Camp -‐ $150 per father/son; additional sons &/or grandfathers/mentors $5ea Other events -‐ Men’s Celebration Night $30
Payment can be made directly to the following account: Bendigo Bank, Sorell – BSB No. 633 000, ACC No. 187 368 774. (Ensure you forward a payment reference that links you to the payment, allowing us to track & confirm your payment).
Please, if you are unable to afford the cost to register for an event, contact us. We feel that it would be greatly beneficial for you to register and attend this event; alternatively, if you are able to sponsor another person to participate in an event please contact us.
You will be contacted to confirm your registration and if required will be forwarded information regarding your preparation for this event. If you have any queries regarding events or the process of registration please do not hesitate to contact us.
Look forward to having you with us., and for more information phone Geoff Madden 0417 360 065 (President) Gray Douglass 0432655327 (Secretary)
I certify that the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.